Fish Fingers and Minty Smashed Peas

Easy to cook finger fish recipe .Nutritiously rich white meat recipe take make up the daily required nutritional values
- 500 grams of fish fillets
- 500grams of frozen peas
- 5 tablespoon of white flour
- 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika
- ½ lemon zest and juice
- Pink salt
- Ground black pepper
- 2 large eggs
- 100 grams Breadcrumbs
- Sunflower oil
- ½ bunch of mint leaves
Direction to Cook:
First, defrost the fish fillets by keeping them in the fridge overnight , when the fish fillets are defrosted slice them lengthwise into fingers Also defrost the frozen peas by placing them in a colander placed in sink and pour on the [peas the boiling water for defrosting them. Put the peas aside. Take a shallow bowl and place in it the four along with the paprika and ground black pepper. Add in it the lemon zest and Himalayan pink salt. in another bowl crack and beat the eggs , take the fish fillets and add them to the flour bowl and toss them to coat with the flour mixture finely . Then dip the flour coated fillets fingers into the beaten egg bowl shake them to remove the excess eggs and then dip the fillet in the bread crumbs and roll them in it to coat with it also and place the fish fillets in the tray.
In a non-stick pan frying pan pour a little sunflower oil on a medium heat. Put the fish finger on the heated sunflower oil and fry the fish fillets for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until they become golden in color and crispy thoroughly. Put the fried fillet on the double layered kitchen paper. To drain the excess oil. On the other hand, grind the peas in the food processor until they are smashed nicely. Mash them well with the fork if needed. Tip the smashed peas in a bowl. Add on it the finely chopped mint leaves and squeeze on it the lemon juice to season it. Mix the mixture well and enjoy the fish fillet with the smashed minty peas and the green salad.