Himalayan Chef’s Successful Participation in WEXNET 2023

“WEXNET, also known as Women Entrepreneurs Network, is Pakistan’s largest women-exclusive exhibition that provides women entrepreneurs with an exciting and unique opportunity to showcase their products, develop network linkages, engage in mutually beneficial collaborations, share their experiences and develop female entrepreneurship, under one roof”

WBM International participated in the WEXNET event, representing their two main brands, "Himalayan Chef" and "WBM Foundation." The primary objective of WBM as a participant was to raise awareness of the brand among all attendees. However, what was truly astounding was the realization that many people were already familiar with the brand, and they were actively using all of our products, particularly the Himalayan Chef Pink Salt.

The Services Provided by Himalayan Chef



Free Nutritional Counseling



Himalayan Chef had a Professional Nutritionist Team on hand, providing free nutritional counseling to all attendees. This service aimed to educate individuals on the importance of a healthy diet for better health and well-being.

Product Knowledge



Himalayan Chef Team also shared comprehensive information about its product range, emphasizing that the products are 100% natural. Attendees were informed about the benefits of using Himalayan Chef Products for improved health.

Disease-Specific Products



Himalayan Chef Team guided attendees on how to take disease-related products, such as gluten-free flour, weight loss flour, diabetic-friendly products, and multigrain flour. This information was aimed at assisting individuals in making healthier dietary choices tailored to their specific needs.

Participation Highlights



During WBM participation in the WEXNET event, several remarkable achievements were noted:

Positive Brand Recognition



One of the most astonishing revelations was that many attendees were already familiar with the brands, particularly Himalayan Chef. People were using the products, including the highly acclaimed Himalayan Chef Pink Salt, in their daily lives.

Enthusiastic Response to Himalayan Chef Disease Oriented Flours



People were amazed by the fact that we are offering disease-oriented flours. They love the flour, especially the Himalayan Chef Diet Flour for weight loss.

Embracing Free Plantation Initiative



People loved how we were distributing free plants and appreciated their promotion of a clean and green environment.

Takeaway Key Points



On-the-Spot Purchases: Many attendees expressed a strong interest in purchasing our products immediately. The team consider facilitating on-the-spot sales at future events, while also encouraging attendees to provide their contact details for online orders through our website.



Desire to Taste Products: People were keen to taste the products, such as honey, ghee etc. But The team assure the customers that their products are 100% natural and safe to consume.



Price Concerns: Some attendees felt that our products were priced higher than other brands. However, the team successfully explained that the prices reflect the use of natural ingredients without any food colorings, preservatives, or additives. Additionally, they also explain that the products offer both superior quality and greater quantity compared to other brands, emphasizing the overall value we provide.


In summary, WBM's participation in the WEXNET event showcased strong brand recognition, with attendees already using our products. Himalayan Chef offered free nutritional guidance and information on disease-oriented products while, WBM Foundation promoted environmental conservation through plant distribution and education. Attendees expressed interest in on-the-spot purchases and tasting of products, with occasional price concerns, which were addressed by emphasizing product quality and value. This event underscored WBM's commitment to health, sustainability, and quality, leaving a positive impact in Pakistan's entrepreneurial and environmental community.